We want as many people as possible to enjoy live theatre and entertainment, so we offer relaxed and assisted performances whenever possible.
Relaxed performances
These are designed for children, young people or adults who may have disabilities, additional support needs and those on the autistic spectrum.
At these specially tailored performances, we make several sensory adjustments such as lower sound levels, brighter lighting, changes to special effects and the freedom for people to move around during the performance.
Audio-described performances
At audio-described performances, live commentary relayed on a headset describes the visual elements of the production such as the sets, costumes, props and facial expressions.
Sennheiser headsets can be collected from the cloakroom two hours before the performance starts. These are only available for appropriate productions.
We also run Touch Tours for blind or partially-sighted visitors to familiarise themselves with the set ahead of the performance.
Signed performances
At British Sign Language (BSL) performances, trained describers interpret the script and language used by the performers at the same time it is being performed. Specific seats can be allocated in the theatre so that you can read the signer’s interpretation clearly.
Captioned performances
During these performances the actors’ words appear on a screen next to the stage or in the set at the same time they are being spoken or sung. The captions also provide additional information that is helpful to deaf and hard of hearing audiences, such as indicating speaker names, sound effects and offstage noises.
These are supplied for opera performances in foreign languages and are displayed on a screen above the stage. Please check the Welsh National Opera website for further information.
Sound enhancement headsets
Whether you have a hearing aid or not, we have over-ear ‘double’ headphones or inner-ear ‘single’ headphones available. All headsets can be collected from the cloakroom.